Stewardship refers to the individual's responsibility to manage his or her life and property with proper regard to the rights of others. Some of us may practice stewardship because our livelihoods depend on sustaining the land resource that supports us. However, as stewards, we may also feel responsibility toward our neighbors and communities whose actions we affect and because we recognize that our children deserve the same opportunities presented to ourselves.
Stewardship is our mandate to use and share wisely and compassionately all the blessings and gifts bestowed upon us. Stewardship encompasses a range of obligations from the care of the earth and its resources to the commitment of our time, talent and money in service of others.ntely and compassionately all the blessings and gifts bestowed upon us. Stewardship encompasses a range of obligations from the care of the earth and its resources to the commitment of our time, talent and money in service of others.
Oversoul stewards accept natural life with all of the bestowed abilities, strengths, influences and wealth as special gifts from the Creator. These stewards will seek to develop their eminent potential and endeavor to use the body, mind and all of their endowments for the greatest good and highest purpose intended. Oversoul stewards feel a responsibility for the well being of all people, allowing each person the opportunity to develop his or her full potential and greatest good.
The stewardship of our lives includes:
Stewardship of Body --- the central gift bestowed upon us is ourselves. What we eat, how we exercise and what we eat, how we exercise and when we rest are all important attributes of preservation of the soul.
Stewardship of the Mind --- learning is both art and science. Studies of both secular and non-secular topics are available to us from many locations, including the Oversoul Department of Education. These practices will expand mental capacities.
Stewardship of the Soul --- Developing our spiritual center and improving relationships with the Creator are beneficial for our faith. A walk in Nature, a private time to commune with your thoughts, a peaceful interlude, all help to re-establish relationships and put us in touch with our inner self.
The stewardship of creation includes:
Stewardship of the Planet --- environmental stewardship reminds us of our relationship with Nature's God and the creation.
Stewardship of Science and Technology --- science and religion have long and tenuous relationships. Both are gifts of the Creator. Using them well, wisely, and faithfully demands a centering of our our personal values and principles.
Stewardship of Peace --- nature presents itself as a faith of peace and justice, but often peace is the most elusive gift offered by the Creator.
Stewardship of Tomorrow --- the future isn't something that simply happens to us. Change and be freightening, but it can also challenge us to rise to new heights.
Stewardship touches on almost everything we think, say, and do. As we come to understand all that stewardship means to our life, we grow that much more in our relationship with the Laws of Nature, and of Nature's God.
With all the above in mind, the Oversoul has formalized a mutual commitment to stewardship through its Canon Law Trust, a multipurpose instrument serving as (1) a faith covenant that establishes a bond of fellowship between individuals, (2) as a management instrument through which the administrators may assist the individual to fulfill their stewardship responsibilities; (3) as an instrument of confessional will, declaring formally the will of the individual in regards to matters of faith, private regrets or repentance, and declarations of will in regards to the disposition of assets.